Funny Short Skit for Ladies Brunch

Free Short Stage Scripts

Comedy, Funny, Humorous Skits

"Hipster Hobos" by D. M. Larson
A short funny script skit
(sketch comedy stage play)

The scene is written for 6 actors but can be done with more or less. The script is written for at least 1 male and 1 female, but can be done with any gender. The Hipsters can be any gender and any number.

Purchase a low cost PDF of this play script at
(Purchasing a book or PDF of this script gives you the rights to use for: Auditions, Classrooms, Workshops and Camps)

This scene is from the play "When Mel Fell for Nell" ISBN-13: 978-1512007183

(Mel and Nell enter the seating area of a restaurant with a tray filled with drinks, a number and dinner rolls. They are talking so they don't notice immediately that all the tables are taken by a person a each table with a laptop or tablet or some electronic device)

You think the kids are okay?

We have a good sitter.

Why do they have to act that way when I leave? They act like they are dying. Why do they have to be so over-dramatic? It's worse than watching Titanic.

No... nothing is worse than watching Titanic.

(They realize they are wandering a bit too much)

All the tables are taken.

Oh no. It's the hipster hobos.

The what?

Hipster hobos... aka laptop hobos... they find hip places with free wifi and buy the cheapest thing possible and camp out for the entire day.

Don't they have anything better to do?

No... this is their life. Taking up space and trying to look cool while doing it.

Well... it's not cool. I am a tired mom who needs a night to relax... I just need to sit.

I think that one's asleep. Maybe if we sit with her really quiet.

I want our own table. I think that one ran out of battery... oh, wait, he has an extension cord.

You think with all the free refills they'd have to get up to go pee more.

Maybe if I find the wifi hub, I can unplug it.

And get us kicked out.

Why don't they kick them out?

It's a vicious cycle. This restaurant wants to appear hip. So they want the hipsters in here to draw in the rest of the hip crowd. But hispters have to fit in their skinny jeans so they don't buy much food.

I have an idea.

(Nell speaks loudly)

Did you hear about the sale at the Apple store?! It's a good one!

(Hipsters start to take interest)

They have a sale on the new iPid!

The iPid?

What's an iPid?

(Hipsters start to stir and get excited)

I don't know! But it's new!

I need one!

Me too!

(Hipsters start to pack up in a hurry and leave)

And I hear they will give 100 iPids away to the first 100 people in line.

(Hipsters are leaving)

They don't open until morning so you'll have to wait in line all night.

I always stay in line the night before the launch of a new Apple product.

Who doesn't?

(Hipster 3 calls out to a waitress off stage)

I brought my extension cord. Is it okay if I leave it plugged in here?

I have a power strip.

(All the Hipsters are gone. Nell smiles big)

Which table would you like?

(They sit down happily and Nell unplugs the long extension cord that was left behind by the hipsters. Blackout. Hipsters moan and groan in the darkness)


Purchase a low cost PDF of this play script at
(Purchasing a book or PDF of this script gives you the rights to use for: Auditions, Classrooms, Workshops and Camps)

The scene "Hipster Hobos" is from the play script "When Mel Fell for Nell" ISBN-13: 978-1512007183

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Important Copyright Notice

These scripts may be used for FREE but PLEASE do NOT repost the TEXT of any script online in any way. Students, actors, teachers and student may use the scripts for acting or classroom activities and even videos, but do NOT repost them on the internet. Please link to the scripts on the website. We love that! But these scripts are published and protected by copyright (c) 2001-2021 so do not upload the text of a script. Thank you!



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